How to Find Home Health Care

Home Care Services: An Overview

While many home care providers are tasked with the same primary job, each one might offer slightly different services. Each type of support on offer is designed to allow you to live as independently as possible. The following is an overview of the different types of care a home care provider might offer.

Personal Care

Home care providers who specialise in personal care will assist you with bathing, dressing, grooming and toileting. In addition, they can help with daily tasks like brushing teeth, combing hair, shaving facial hair, inserting contacts and maintaining ear hygiene.

Assistance With Daily Activities

Assistance with daily activities includes helping you get in and out of bed or chair you use to get around. This service also includes helping you get in and out of the bath or shower, using the bathroom, preparing meals for yourself and feeding yourself.


Home care providers who specialise in housekeeping will help with tasks like laundry, light cleaning around the house, making beds and changing linens. They can do a variety of different chores within a particular area. For example, they can help with cleaning dishes in the kitchen or dusting throughout the house.

Organisational Support

Organisational support includes helping you organise your life through things like financial planning and budgeting, medication management, appointment scheduling and shopping.

Respite Care

Respite care is for people who need a break from caring for a loved one. A home care provider who specialises in respite care will come over and take over so you can have a few hours or even a day or longer away to rest and recover.

Memory Care

Many home care providers will offer some dementia-specific training to assist with memory loss. A provider who specialises in this area will provide daily care plus extra help when needed to enable your family member to maintain a comfort life in their own home during the early and intermediate stages of the disease. This could include using strategies to help your loved one to be as independent as possible, or simply to reassure and calm them if they become distressed.

Companionship Support

Home care providers who specialise in companionship will come over to chat, read books or play games. Companionship is ideal for people who are alone and often have no one else to talk to during the day. This service can help lift someone's mood and reduce feelings of isolation and depression.

For more information, contact a home care provider today. A member of the team will be happy to answer any questions you have about their services.